ArticlesSkin Care
Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar and Skin Care

If you’re not currently using Apple Cider Vinegar in your skin care routine or just for its wonderful benefits, you may be missing out.

Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s probably in your kitchen at this moment and may need a little dusting off from sitting in the back of the shelf. It is the Holy Grail of beauty, health and wellness, and you can already guess it’s “au naturel”. It is a natural alternative to modern medicine and there are several benefits to using Apple Cider Vinegar. A few that are most known are its ability to treat acne and aid in weight loss. The Apple Cider Vinegar that is most beneficial is the raw and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar that contains the Mother, and this is because it is unprocessed and contains proteins and enzymes. It may be time to stock up on some app cider vinegar after you read its numerous uses.

===Amazon Link to Apple Cider Vinegar===

But first, a little more about apple cider vinegar…
The benefit history of ACV dates back centuries. It is made from apples, yeast, and sugar. The apples are first crushed and then the liquid is drained. From there, yeast is added so that the alcohol fermentation process can take place. Then there is another fermentation process where the alcohol is then made into acetic bacteria!

Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to:
Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Tone the skin and fight acne
  • Heal and relieve sunburns
  • Rinse hair (used as a conditioner)
  • Boost Energy
  • Treat yeast infections
  • Help in weight loss
  • Control blood sugar
  • Improve the health of skin
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Fight fungus
  • Act as a deodorant
  • Whiten teeth
  • Get rid of harmful bacteria

There are many uses to Apple Cider Vinegar, these are just a few of them. Though it may take time to adjust to its taste, it is also beneficial to drink it to boost energy. So, next time you run out of deodorant or you’ve got a bad sunburn you’ll know where to look. Why not give it a try?


===Amazon Link to Apple Cider Vinegar===