Shoe Fall

You Walk Wrong

It took 4 million years of evolution to perfect the human foot. But we’re wrecking it with every step we take.

Makeup Killing You?

Is Your Makeup Killing You?

Research published shows that common chemicals used in toiletries may make women more likely to be infertile.

Healthy Vapes

A Healthy Way to Vape

Today, vape “pens” have made their mark the wellness sector as a way to get your your dose of essential oils on the go.

Shadows and Vitamin D

Shadows & Vitamin D

The low UV index of winter sun makes it difficult, if not impossible, for us to make vitamin D, increasing the odds of colds, flu, and feeling blue.

7 foods to Fight Insomnia

The brain depends on a complex array of nutrients to ensure peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. If you’re battling nighttime wakefulness, eat these foods 2-4 hours before bed.



A science that deals with the principle belief that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands that correspond to the all the glands, organs, and parts of the body.

More Than Half Your Body Is Not Human

“We’re finding ways that these tiny creatures totally transform our health in ways we never imagined until recently.” It is a new way of thinking about the microbial world. To date, our relationship with microbes has largely been one of warfare.

Hot and Spicy

Cayenne Pepper – Heat for the Heart

For someone with a concern about their heart or circulatory system adding cayenne pepper to their diet can be beneficial and can also offer healing properties if you add these to your diet you can help stave off some serious health problems.

Top Golfer

Every Top Golfers Secret

Amateur and professional golfers should be aware of how regular chiropractic care can not only address golf injury but have also been shown to improve ones golf game by improving balance, flexibility and strength. Golfing injuries and repetitive stress issues can interfere with performance and daily activities. A variety of stretches and exercises can help […]