Pellagra is a condition caused by a deficiency of the B vitamin niacin.
“If all the niacin were removed from our food, everyone would be psychotic in one year”
~Abram Hoffer, M.D., psychiatrist in British Columbia.
B vitamins are required for: proper metabolism, enzyme and hormone production, and for B vitamin processing
Niacin is among the B2 class of vitamins also called: Nicotinic acid, niacinimide (nicotinic acid amide, or nicotinamide) Nicotinic acid is an electron-transfer vitamin, acting as an energizer to make enzymes needed for oxidation-reduction reactions, carbohydrate metabolism, other energy conversion, and tryptophan metabolism, and conversion to niacin.
Primary Symptoms of Pellagra are DDD or 3D’s
Dermatitis, Diarrhea, Dementia
General Symptoms Include:
Deep Depression
Aches & Pain
Fatigue, Lack of Energy
Dementia (Pseudo-schizophrenia)
Visual and Audible Mental impairment
Personality disorders
Inability to make decisions
Lack of normal desires
Rage, hostility
Dermatitis (skin)
Brown pigmentation
Other Symptoms: Abdominal pains, headache, irritability, sleeplessness, Red, furry tongue, mentally “not-being-with-it”, degeneration.

Niacin Is the Natural Tranquilizer
Niacin is a natural tranquilizer so soothing that its effects compare to that of certain pharmaceutical tranquilizers.
Causes of B and vitamin deficiency
Causes of B and vitamin deficiency
Stress depletes B vitamins and other nutrients more rapidly than normal
Processed foods
46% of niacin is depleted from canning foods.
High Protein Diet
Protein consumption increases need for larger quantities of niacin
Alcohol consumption strips B vitamins and other nutrients from the body
Sources of Niacin
Small quantities are accumulated from: Dairy, Eggs, Lean Beef, Liver, Whole Grain Cereals (especially enriched), Yeast, Fish, Tuna, Salmon, Beans, Squash, Chili Peppers, Peanuts
3 year study
73 hospitalized schizophrenics were given niacin
66 were never readmitted with symptoms
98 were not taking niacin (control group)
47 were readmitted with symptoms
Finding: Use of supplements prevented pellagra symptoms
Conclusion: Pellagra is not schizophrenia
73 hospitalized schizophrenics were given niacin
66 were never readmitted with symptoms
98 were not taking niacin (control group)
47 were readmitted with symptoms
Finding: Use of supplements prevented pellagra symptoms
Conclusion: Pellagra is not schizophrenia
1 month result
11 depressed patients received tryptophan and niacin supplements
Blood levels of tryptophan rose 300%
Depression fell 38%
Conclusion: niacin aids in tryptophan conversion
11 depressed patients received tryptophan and niacin supplements
Blood levels of tryptophan rose 300%
Depression fell 38%
Conclusion: niacin aids in tryptophan conversion
Pellagra can be cured with tryptophan and niacin. Tryptophan converts to niacin by a system of intricate biochemical steps. (at 60:1 part ratio)
According to Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. Swiss manufacturer of Valium; Niacinamide can induce “anti-conflict” and “anti-aggressive” feelings that it relaxes muscles and helps relieve insomnia.
Continued Therapy
“While most people feel better within days of beginning a niacin regimen, some require months to feel the benefits. It is especially important to give this vitamin a lengthy therapeutic trial because its potential benefits are so great.”
~H.L. Newbold M.D. Author of Mega-Nutrients for Your Nerves
“Vitamins in Your Life” Erwin Di Cyan, Ph.D. Simon and Schuster New York 1974
“Understanding Vitamins and Minerals” The Prevention Total Health System® Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania 1984
“Vitamins in Your Life” Erwin Di Cyan, Ph.D. Simon and Schuster New York 1974
“Understanding Vitamins and Minerals” The Prevention Total Health System® Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania 1984