Customized Facials $150

Getting facials done regularly each skin cycle will promote a well-hydrated, clearer, and balanced complexion. Certain facial treatments can even boost collagen and visibly reduce fine lines, combining antioxidants and peptides that prevent…


Dermaplaning or Microdermabrasion?

I am frequently asked this question,”Which treatment is right for me, microdermabrasion or dermaplaning?” They are both forms of physical exfoliation, but the methods are very different. Dermaplaning safely scrapes off the top layer of skin and removes the vellus hair(peach fuzz), so it is recommended for anyone with peach fuzz and drier skin. This […]



Dermaplaning is a safe and highly effective physical exfoliation procedure. It is performed by a board certified dermatologist or a licensed esthetician who specializes in this procedure. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the skin’s surface.This procedure removes the top most layers of dead skin along with the vellus […]