Step 1
Become toxic
Modern medications modern foods, and chemically based household products have toxins that remain in the system and destroy hormonal function and alter physiology.
Step 2
Do not get adjusted
Allow your neck (cervical spine) to shift forward, lose its normal curve, and degenerate. Make sure the two top vertebrae in the neck stay out of alignment so the area where the spinal cord interacts with the brain breaks down and causes abnormal function of the limbic system which is related to affect mood.
Step 3
Eat this way
- a diet high in carbohydrates so that you can create an elevated blood insulin level which lowers serotonin levels and causes inflammation and depression.
- A diet deficient in Omega 3, and proficient in Omega 6, which Oxford and Harvard have found to be the first factor to address regarding depression.
- A diet high in grains and sugars and low in vegetables, giving you acid pH levels.
- Drink a lot of Cokes and lattes. Stimulants, sugars and artificial additives are great for brain function.
- Do not supplement. Rely on processed foods for all your nutrients.
Step 4
Warning, do not exercise!
A sedentary lifestyle has many damaging effects to your mind and body. In multiple studies exercise consistently matches or exceeds the benefits of antidepressants, therefore avoid at all costs.
Step 5
Do not work on your mental status
Make sure you hate people. Don’t forgive. Be right all the time and make sure everything is an issue. Be sure to get very little sleep. Avoid feeling your mind by reading positive books, listening to positive inspirational talks or watching YouTube videos which may cause you to run the risk of improving your mental status. If you have ever been through emotional traumas, by all means, do not get any help from a professional counselor or work with a spiritual coach. And never, never pray and grow spiritually; God might hear you!
This is obviously a tongue in cheek way of pointing out the obvious
Depression and other mental/emotional disorders are extremely difficult issues, however they must be addressed. This affects nearly one in five Americans. Rather than adopting a mentality of “a bad brain”, it is better to take a proactive approach. You will always improve and there are not side effects!
There are many books you can read such as “the Grain Brain” or the “The Brain Warrior Way”.

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