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Anti-Aging Treatment – Anti-Oxidants

It has long been accepted that eating foods with lots of anti-oxidants slows down aging. This has been practiced even before the term ‘anti-oxidants’ was used. The ancient Chinese (and even the Chinese of today) prescribed special foods that enhanced an attribute, cured an ailment and improved metabolism or increased vitality and vigor. In India, certain herbs are mixed with foods that are similar to the results that the Chinese sought. The same can be said for the Brazilian and Peruvian cultures.

While almost all plants have sterols, which are good for metabolism, foods that are generally known to contain high concentrations of antioxidants are usually those present in plants and other fruits containing amino acids, omega 3,6, and 9 and other useful fatty acids. This category also includes those that contain high concentrations of resveratrol and glutathione. The presence of antioxidants in diets helps protect the cells of the body from free radicals and toxins.

Anti-oxidants work in a way where molecules slow down and, in some conditions, prevent the oxidation of other molecules. Anti-aging treatment preparations that contain anti-oxidants often come in the form of capsules, tablets and energy drinks and other forms of dietary supplements.

Oxidation, while crucial at maintaining life, can be damaging. Animals and even plants maintain high levels and complex anti-oxidant systems in multiple types. Many of these types come from plants in the form of sterols and enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and other peroxides. The most common and readily available antioxidant though is Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

One of the tangible reasons that a person lacks antioxidants in the body is tiredness and stress. A body that lacks anti-oxidants results in oxidative stress which damages and kills cells. Aside from anti -oxidants being effective as anti-aging agents they also have the capacity to prevent a host of illnesses from occurring. Some types of anti-oxidants have demonstrated the capacity to prevent the development of certain cancer cells, diabetes, heart ailments and other maladies. This is one of the reasons that foods that are high in anti-oxidant properties are highly sought after. Others are even in such demand as to command high prices.

Examples of foods that have vast concentrations of antioxidant properties are coffee, grapes and berries. In fact the grapes in red wine have been known to have impressive anti-oxidizing properties that are usually attributed to the French being more fit in spite of the cholesterol rich foods that they consume. The skin of the grape is the part that is truly rich in anti- oxidants. Coffee has vast concentrations too, though what is mixed with the coffee is a cause for concern. The acai berry of Brazil is also widely advertised to have vast concentrations of anti- oxidant properties. It’s a pity that it is not consumed fresh in the rest of the world beyond Brazil.

In addition to its ability to repair and preserve cells making it an excellent anti- aging agent, anti- oxidants are also widely used as preservatives in food and cosmetics. We will update you with more information as it becomes available.