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Day After St. Pat's

Day After Remedy – St. Patrick’s Day Remix

Many will spend this weekend getting their Irish on, or getting a little lucked up. They may also find themselves feeling some 50 shades of green the following day. And by this the common term “hangover” is implied. Of course, those who have experienced this consequence before may have their own remedies, which are likely valid for their own particular condition, to varying degrees of success and or effectiveness. In other words – there is no cure all and it is inadvisable to “partake of the hair of the dog that bit you” to fix the imbalance, or as the saying goes, “what ails you cures you”.

When trying to recover from the night before, among many important things to remember besides what happened to your shillelagh, who stole your lucky charms or what it was that that little leprechaun made you do, you must get re-hydrated and replace vital lost nutrients. The overall impact of alcohol on human physiology can be quite devastating. That, and more, will be covered in future articles. For now let’s just stick to the basics.*

Where possible “same night” remedies work best overall
Drink plenty… no, make that more the enough water
Although that may result in waking trips to the bathroom, at least you will be periodically updated on your current stage of recovery, while remembering how to walk gives stimulation to your motor cortex and circulatory system. Most importantly, the net result is diluting and flushing toxins out of your system and, most importantly, re-hydrating, as dehydration is the most fundamental cause of those dreaded headaches.

Take a multivitamin, a B complex, and some Tums or the equivalent…
The majority of the negative impacts from alcohol consumption are a direct result of losing nutrients responsible for regulating biological systems at their core.

The multivitamin helps restore moderate amounts of major nutrients
Although likely not sufficient and not balanced enough to compensate for the extreme condition a night of partying can create, the sooner base nutrients are restored the sooner the body can start metabolizing more correctly, again. Base nutrients include system specific levels of vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients. A multivitamin cannot fix these symptoms perfectly but it gives the body a chance to make use of some chemicals it requires immediately to restore normal system operations. Bear in mind that many of those nutrients may not be readily absorbed, as the complex chemical compounds required for proper synthesis have likely been broken down and evacuated.

The vitamin B complex restores levels of a key nutrient that alcohol destroyed…
A primary cause of intoxication is the lack of vitamin B, a nutrient that the body cannot store in reserve. B vitamins are flushed by alcohol usually the first time you have to make a trip to the loo, the lack of which degrades oxygen transport in the body, and in turn the brain, ergo – blotto.

Fruits and juices are highly advisable
Vitamin C is another water soluble nutrient that is quickly depleted by alcohol, so the body is deprived of one of its major regenerative elements that would otherwise assist in recovery.

This also helps to restore a more amenable pH balance for the digestive system where a person’s biome has been disturbed by a radical influx of disinfectant (alcohol).
Of course, the benefits of fruits and juices are manifold, as potassium will aid in proper cellular metabolisms directly facilitating the removal of waste byproducts in cells. Potassium is also an important electrolyte which will contribute to normalizing systems.

The Tums or equivalent…
A lesser known remedy is the antacid, the vital nutrients this provides is calcium carbonate.

  • Calcium carbonate is a natural acid neutralizer, and detoxicant…
  • Generally, multivitamins are not sufficient enough to provide enough calcium to replete conditions. The body requires considerable amounts for normal muscle tension, heart rhythm, bone density, and skin condition, among other things.
  • The carbonate aspect is often overlooked, but since we are all designated as “carbon based life-forms” the requirement of carbon to persist systemically is clearly indicated in that description.
  • Carbon is a natural detoxicant, allowing toxins to bind to it making compounds the body can readily work with and out of the system. On the positive end it provides the base chemical for most cells in the human system to repair and restore themselves sufficiently.

If it is not possible, or you forget to do these things the night that the excess occurred, it is essential to do some, if not all of these things, the next morning. Other important nutrients that should be restored are sodium, phosphorus, and zinc which can be regained through a wide range of sources, if not already covered here. A good breakfast is recommended as soon as it can be attained or retained whatever your particular case may be.

Be certain and well warned though, a person’s condition in general and as a result of excessive consumption will vary, so will specific remedies, which can also result in side effects of their own, depending on a multitude of factors. Apply these remedies with care and caution as such these replenishment are not to be conducted regularly, or indiscriminately. There are consequences of radical nutrient binge and purges on all systems of the body, as well as the potential for a complete system malfunction that can be nearly impossible to diagnose or treat effectively and could even result in death. This is provided merely as a possible antidote for occasional over-indulgences, touching lightly on aiding recovery from extended buyer’s remorse of a more than serious night out.

As mentioned, moderation and responsibility are there for the taking and it is certainly commendable but oftentimes, (dare we say even understandably), restraint may be the road less traveled by even the most mindful wayfarers in these trying times. That being said, enjoy your holidays and special occasions. Just please keep in mind, your well-being is essential to your health, and your health is dependent on what the body can and cannot work with. Give your body what it needs to work well, and it will likely do you the kindness of not drawing too much attention to itself.

Happy Holidays, and may you not lose an hour – lest ye be looking for it all day.

* NOTE: Drinking in moderation and responsibly is always advisable, though it is not always practicable, or necessarily observed in a timely way.