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Beauty Secrets

Beauty Secrets

There is a lot of pressure these days to look young and desirable. We have become obsessed with losing weight and getting rid of wrinkles. There are women who won’t even take the garbage out until they are fully made up. The thought of entering the world without putting their face on can send some women into a blind terror. Countless dollars are spent on products that promise to reverse aging effects, enhance features and banish imperfections.

Nowadays men have become just as concerned about their appearance as women have been; moisturizing, exfoliating and dying hair to retain a youthful appearance. Is there anything we can really do apart from Botox injections? With cosmetic surgery beyond the means of most we search through glossy magazines for any beauty secrets that the experts might offer.

Some beauty secrets come down from old stars of Hollywood. Actresses have been known to plunge their faces into a bowl of ice-filled cold water. The “polar plunge” is supposed to invigorate, stimulate and tighten the skin, which is probably true- if the shock doesn’t kill you first. That remedy might be a bit excessive for most peoples’ daily regimens, then again- no pain, no gain, right? Otherwise, modern celebrities will often give their own personal beauty tips but heed these with caution. It’s easy to look effortlessly elegant with an entourage of personal trainers, make up artists, hair stylists, agents and publicists to manage an ageless image.

Generally there is no great mystery to attaining and retaining beauty if attended to going forward. Where it may sound cliché the best advice for looking good is to live right. Smoking, eating rich foods and alcohol all take their toll if not moderated over time. Realistically the body can only take so much disuse until the skin will start to show the visible consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, and other symptoms of compromised health will eventually, or even suddenly, emerge. Meanwhile, dry, creased skin and dark circles under the eyes will betray all.

A good regime to follow would be to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink water or pure juice instead of caffeine and get regular exercise. Sufficient amounts of sleep are also quite beneficial. The body needs that time to recuperate.

Truly there’s nothing wrong with buying lotions and potions, but it’s only a temporary fix at best before poor choices catch up with all of us. The reality is that cosmetics were not invented to preserve youth. To that end, the less make up the better. It is important to cleanse, tone and moisturize daily.

When buying products that claim to offer all the beauty secrets known to civilization, make sure the manufacturer has a good pedigree. If they retail at amazingly low prices chances are that the ingredients are not as pure or healthy as anyone would reasonably desire. That factor alone might actually contribute to accelerating the rapid decline of a healthy, youthful and radiant appearance.

To be and stay beautiful the best beauty secret is just to take good care of yourself, so that you may fully enjoy yourself as well as possible, for as long as possible.