
The regulation requires the following full disclosure:

3DiMarketing vigorously tests and subjects our products and information to rigorous scrutiny and stringent standards for viability, consistency, and safety. 3DiMarketing does not promote anything that does not meet our guidelines. All of the information is as accurate and timely as is possible, however, there is always new and often conflicting research in the field of health and beauty.

Having plainly stated all this; please be advised of the following:

Information obtained from this site and from any of its transmissions is generally based on third-party publications and research is strictly presented for marketing purposes only. 3DiMarketing, Maxwell Pro Line, any of its affiliates and/or information is provided specifically for commercial intentions and will often derive profits, receive free samples and other tangible or intangible returns of benefit to that end, but not always. All efforts are made to prominently disclose the nature of such relationships when, where, and as they are relevant to the content.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or wish to contribute in a cross-promotional capacity- please use our contact form and we will respond appropriately at our soonest convenience.