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Keep Romance in Your Relationship

Living together can often turn contentious in many relationships. There are a number of different reasons for this but it is often attributed to a lack of romance.  To help you keep your relationship with your live-in partner or your spouse going strong it is important to keep the spark of romance kindled in your relationship.

As nice as it is to hear that you should keep the romance alive in your relationship, you may be wondering exactly how you should go about doing so.  When seeking romance in your relationship it is important to understand that not all couples are the same.  For that reason, keep your partner’s wants, needs or interests in mind.  This is another key to having a happy and healthy relationship….compromise.

One of the best ways to keep romance stirring in a relationship is actually quite a simple concept- affection. Unfortunately, many couples get into a groove where they just become comfortable with their daily lives.  This often results in many couples not holding hands anymore, kissing or even talking about their day. It is important that you do not let your relationship get to this point, as it often becomes a problem with a life of its own.

As much as possible, express love and appreciation for others, especially a live-in partner or spouse, in both actions and in words.
Get Out
It is also important to get out of the house.  As with showing affection, many couples, after a period of time, stop going out on dates.  Whenever you have a free evening, going on a date can be a great way to reconnect. What is nice about dates is that just about any activity can be considered a date. For instance, you can go out to dinner, see a movie or go have a few drinks at a local bar. All of these activities can be viewed as a date.  Social interaction, both with each other and with other couples, is important for the health of a relationship.

As stated earlier, a relationship is all about compromise.  Compromise is also a way to keep the romance alive in your relationship. As compatible as you and you partner or spouse may be, you may still have a few differences.  Often times, these differences show on date nights. When it comes to going on a date or just doing a simple activity with your partner, it is advised that you comprise as often
as possible.   This may include having alternate date nights. For
instance, if the husband wanted to attend a baseball game, the wife can agree to do so, as long as he agrees to go the movies with you next time.

There are any number of different ways that you can go about keeping the romance alive in your relationship. As difficult as love and romance may seem, it is important that you put forth the extra effort.
Not feeling enough support is an issue that the two of you can resolve. So put some effort into your relationship and enjoy yourself!