Butylated Hydroxytoluene

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Categories: Additive

Type: Toxin
Name: Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)
RDA: 0
Importance- to Body:
Toxin: Respiratory, Eye, Skin, Other, Possible Carcinogen, FDA Classified as “acutely toxic”.
Distribution- in Body:
Skin, Respiratory System.
Excess Effects:
Skin Irritation, dangerous to eyes if physically exposed, Allergic Reactions
Deficiency Effects:
None Listed
Food Sources:
Cereal, Boxed Foods, Butter, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Chips, Wax Food Packaging, Shortening, Rubber, Plastic, Animal Foods, Cosmetics
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Found in many Cosmetics, Hair Products, Deodorants, Sunscreen, Fragrances, Food
Supplemental information:
Synthetic, Preservative, Stabilizes Fat, Considered acutely toxic by the FDA, although there is disagreement. Prevents foods from becoming rancid, May be considered a carcinogen, Had negative effects on rats tested.

Works Cited:
BHA and BHT: A Case for Fresh?” Scientific American, www.scientificamerican.com/article/bha-and-bht-a-case-for-fresh/.

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