
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Periodic Element

ChromiumType: Trace Element
Periodic Element: (Cr)
RDA: 0.05-2 mg
Importance- To Body:
Necessary for glucose metabolism. Essential for proper use of carbohydrates in body; enhances effectiveness of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism; may increase blood levels of HDLs while decreasing levels of LDLs.
Distribution- In Body:
* Approx. % of Body Mass
Widely distributed
Excess Effects:
Industrial exposure may cause Skin Damage and Kidney Damage
Deficiency Effects:
Impaired Ability to Metabolize Glucose
Sources Food:
Meats, Liver, Vegetables, Cheese, Yeast, Brewer’s Yeast, Beer, Wine, Unrefined Wheat Flour, Whole Grains, Corn Oil, Shellfish
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
Supplemental information:

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