
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Periodic Element

FluorineType: Trace Element
Periodic Element: (F)
RDA: 1.5-4 mg Daily requirement is 0.7 part/million in water.
Importance- To Body:
Contended to hardens bones and teeth. Important for tooth structure; may help prevent dental caries (particularly in children) and osteoporosis in adults. Suppresses bacterial action in mouth.

Distribution- In Body:
* Approx. % of Body Mass
Component of bones, teeth, other body tissues; excreted in urine.
Excess Effects:
Mottling of Teeth
Deficiency Effects:
Tendency toward dental caries, Osteoporosis, Unknown
Sources Food:
Fluoridated water, Toothpaste, Milk, Tea
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
Supplemental information:

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