Glycolic Acid

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Categories: Alpha Hydroxy Acid

Type: AHA – Alpha Hydroxy Acid
Name: Glycolic Acid C2H4O3 Also: HOCH2CO2H
RDA:None Listed
Importance- to Body:
Fades Acne Scars, Improves Skin Tone, Improves Texture, Reduces Fine Lines, Moisturizes, Exfoliates, Brightens Skin, Produces Collagen, Creates Thicker Outer Layer of Skin
Distribution- in Body:
Excess Effects:
Dry Skin, Peeling, Flaking
Deficiency Effects:
None Listed
Food Sources:
Papaya, Pineapple, Unripe Grapes, Sugar Beets, Sugar Cane
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Serums, Lotions, Cleansers, Peel Pads, Creams
Supplemental information:
Works faster than other AHAs and absorbs quickly into the skin

Works Cited:
Gold, Grace. “The Skin-Care Ingredient That Fights Acne AND Wrinkles At The Same Time” Women’s Health, 9 Apr. 2018

dicarbonous acid glycolic acid hydroxyacetic acid hydroacetic acid
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