
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Periodic Element

IodineType: Lesser Element
Periodic Element: (I)
RDA: 0.15 mg- 0.1-0.2 mg in adults
Importance- To Body:
Required for synthesis of thyroxine which is essential for maintenance of normal cellular respiration, and to form thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), which are important in regulating cellular metabolic rate.
Distribution- In Body:
0.1 Approx. % of Body Mass
Found in all tissues, but in high concentrations only in thyroid gland; absorption controlled by blood levels of protein-bound iodine; excreted in urine.
Excess Effects:
Inhibited Activity of Thyroid, Depresses Synthesis of Thyroid Hormones
Deficiency Effects:
Hypothyroidism: Cretinism in infants, Myxedema in adults (if less severe, Simple Goiter)

Sources Food:
Iodized Table Salt, Fish, Cod Liver Oil, Shellfish, Vegetables Grown in iodine-rich soil
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
Supplement Info:

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