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Type: Essential Amino Acid
Name: Isoleucine (Ile), Chemical formula C6H12NO2
Importance- to body:
Supports blood clotting during a wound and aids in muscle repair, helps to improve stamina and increase energy levels, also regulating levels of blood sugar.
Distribution- in body:
Isoleucine is broken down in the muscle tissue to produce energy. Converted in the liver to blood sugar.
Excess effects:
Pellagra, kidney and liver failure, hypoglycemia.
Deficiency effects:
Dizziness, headaches, sleepiness/drowsiness, depression, irritability, disorientation and other symptoms similar to hypoglycemia.
Food Sources:
Meat, Fish, Eggs, Nuts, Seeds, Soybeans, Spirulina, Wheat germ, Legumes.
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Supplemental information:
Should be paired with valine and leucine (three branched chain amino acids). Very important for athletes or body builders to take supplement to aid in healing of muscles, increase stamina, and boost energy.

Works Cited:
1. Garlick, and Peter J. “Nature of Human Hazards Associated with Excessive Intake of Amino Acids | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 Oct. 2004,
2. “Branched-Chain Amino Acids: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning.”WebMD, WebMD,

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