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Type: Essential Amino Acid
Name: Leucine (L, Leu), Chemical formula C6H13NO2
Importance- to Body:
Promotes a healthy liver, aids in management of cholesterol, stimulates insulin and regulates blood sugar (to lower risk of diabetes) and lowers the risk of obesity. Leu is a muscle a helpful muscle stimulant, so it is recommended body builders or people building muscle mass should take a supplement before and after their workout routine.
Distribution- in Body:
Metabolism of Leucine occurs in the tissues of the body, but mainly in the liver and muscle tissues.
Excess Effects:
Poor Memory, Failure of the Liver, Rashes, Failure of the Kidneys, Hypoglycemia, Pellagra.
Deficiency Effects:
Poor Balance and Coordination, Fatigue, Sluggishness, Headaches, Irritability/Anxiety.
Food Sources: Lentils, Seaweed, Soybeans, Meats, Beans, Dairy Products.
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Supplemental information:
One of the three branched chained amino acids (BCAAs – valine and isoleucine are the two others). Vital for growing muscle mass because Leucine stimulates protein synthesis in order to build muscle.

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