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Categories: Periodic Element

MagnesiumType: Lesser Element
Periodic Element: (Mg)
RDA: 300-350 mg – about 1.2g
Importance- To Body:
Important cofactor in a number of metabolic reactions, present in bone. Necessary for proper bone structure, regulation of nerve and muscle action. Catalyst for intracellular enzymatic reactions, in relation to carbohydrate metabolism. Constituent of many coenzymes that play a role in conversion of ATP to ADP. Required for normal muscle and nerve irritability.
Distribution- In Body:
0.1 Approx. % of Body Mass
In all cells, particularly abundant in bones; absorption parallels that of calcium; excreted chiefly in urine.
Excess Effects:
Deficiency Effects:
Tetany; Neuromuscular Problems, Tremors; seen in alcoholism and severe renal disease
Sources Food:
Dairy products, Milk, Leafy Green Vegetables, Meat, Nuts, Legumes, Whole-Grain Cereals
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
Supplemental information:

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