Mandelic Acid

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Categories: Alpha Hydroxy Acid

Type: Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA, Amygdalic Acid)
Name: Mandelic Acid
RDA: None Listed
Importance-to Body:
Anti-Aging, Accelerates Cell Turnover, Sloughs Dead Skin Cells, Strengthens Collagen, Reduces appearance of Melasma, Antibacterial, Beneficial for Dry Skin
Distribution-in Body:
As an antibacterial Mandelic Acid penetrates the skin’s surface and helps to regulate sebum production by keeping pores clear of clogging oils and dead skin cells that lead to breakouts and oily skin. It also works by dissolving the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin.
Excess Effects:
Caution is advised when using chemical peels with higher acid concentrations. While this type of treatment mainly interacts with surface layer skin cells, it does stimulate tissue remodeling and collagen fiber production. People with darker complexions or sensitive skin are therefore at higher risk of discoloration and scarring, two side effects that are common to all chemical peels. Immediately after applying Mandelic Acid, the skin will feel sensitive. It may also become dry, a little flaky and take on a pinkish color. It typically takes two to three days for the skin to fully heal. During this time, it’s especially important to avoid sun exposure, scrubs, and strong cleaning agents. Using a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended.
Deficiency Effects:
Dry Skin
Food Sources:
Bitter Almonds
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Serums, Exfoliants, Peels, Gels, Cleansers
Supplemental Information:
Apply Mandelic Acid as part of your evening skincare routine, after cleansing and before moisturizing. Deliver it to the skin in small amounts using light patting motions that press the product into your skin. Allow it to absorb properly before applying moisturizer. Mandelic Acid works to accelerate cell turnover by dissolving the tiny bonds that hold skin cells together, helping to remove dead skin on the surface of the skin that can lead to dull complexions as well as fine lines. It is also used in treating common skin problems such as photo-ageing, irregular pigmentation and acne.

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