
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Periodic Element

ManganeseType: Trace Element
Periodic Element: (Mn)
RDA: 2.5-5 mg (about 0.4g)
Importance- To Body:
Necessary for formation of hemoglobin, activation of enzymes. Acts with enzymes catalyzing synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol, urea; needed for normal neural function, lactation, oxidation of carbohydrates, protein hydrolysis.

Distribution- In Body:
* Approx. % of Body Mass
Most concentrated in liver, kidneys, spleen; excreted largely in feces.
Excess Effects:
Muscular Weakness, Nervous System Disturbances
Deficiency Effects:
Subnormal Tissue Respiration, Growth Retardation, Bone and Joint Abnormalities, Nervous System Disturbances, Reproductive Abnormalities

Sources Food:
Meats, Fruit, Bananas, Bran, Beans, Leafy-Green Vegetables, Nuts, Legumes, Whole Grains
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
Not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in other minerals in combination with iron.
Supplemental Information:

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