Mycobacterium marinum

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Categories: Disorder

Type: Micobacteria
Name: Mycobacterium marinum
Importance- to Body:
Cutaneous Infection
Distribution- in Body:
Skin; Ulcers, nodules, or nodular lymphangitis. Rarely, warty nodule or plaque on bony prominence.
Food Sources:

Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Before 1962, most cases associated with swimming pools. After 1962, most cases associated with aquarium cleaning, crab pinches, and contact with sea-urchin spines.
Biopsy of tissue showing AFB and AFB culture positive
Normally resolves without treatment. Can administer single therapy, but dual therapy is preferred with ciprofloxacin. doxycycline. clarithromycin, or minocycline for 6 to 12 months.
Supplemental information:
Source: Cutaneous Manifestations Of Waterborne Infections by: Lucinda Elko, MD, RPh, Keith Rosenbach, MD, PhD*, and John Sinnott, MD

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