
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Additive

Type: Toxin
Name: Toluene
RDA: 0
Importance- to Body:
Toxin: Respiratory, Nervous System, Eye, Skin, Other
Distribution- in Body:
Skin, Respiratory System, Nervous System, Eyes, Skin, Liver, Kidneys
Excess Effects:
Nose Irritation, Eye Irritation, Fatigue, Headaches, Dizziness, Anxiety, Dermatitis, Numbness of Skin, Weakness, Confusion, Euphoria
Deficiency Effects:
None Listed
Food Sources:
None Listed
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Glues and Adhesives, Resins, Paints, Nail Polish, Gasoline, Hair Dye, Cleaners, Floor Polish, Paint Thinners, Inks, Shoe Polish, Shoe Cleaner, Spray Paint, Rubber, Many Other Products
Supplemental information:
Colorless, Strong Odor, considered Very Toxic

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