Toxoplasma gondii

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Categories: Disorder

Type: Protozoa
Name: Toxoplasma gondii
Importance- to Body:
Parasitic Infection
Distribution- in Body:
Tissue cysts can form in virtually any organ predominantly forming and persistent in the brain, the eyes, and striated muscle (including the heart)
Food Sources:
Raw Meat, Undercooked Meat; Especially: Lamb, Pork, Venison, Unwashed Vegetables
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
Cutting Boards,Garden Soil, Sandbox, Litter Box, Cats, Warm-blooded Animals, Anything that has come into contact with cat faeces
Serological Dye Test, patient history, symptoms, laboratory test results, including an antibody titer test and microscopic examination of tissues
No human vaccine is currently available, but is being constantly researched.
For Acute Symptoms: Pyrimethamine, Sulfadiazine, Clindamycin, Spiramycin, Minocycline
For Latent Symptoms: Atovaquone, Clindamycin
During Pregnancy:DSpiramycin or pyrimethamine/sulfadiazine and Folinic acid may be used for treatment
Supplemental information:
Toxovax is an approved live vaccine for sheep and considered to provide lifetime protection.
Largely associated with cats, T. gondii can infect any warm blooded animal.
Many studies indicate evidence T. gondii may alter behavior in a host in turn allowing it to spread and reproduce.

T. gondii,Toxoplasmosis
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