Vitamin C

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Categories: Vitamin

Type: Compound
Vitamin: C
Name: Ascorbic Acid,L-Ascorbic Acid
RDA: 60 mg (100 mg for those who smoke)

Importance- to Body:
Acts in hydroxylation reactions in formation of nearly all connective tissues; in conversion of tryptophan to serotonin; in conversion of cholesterol to bile salts; helps protect vitamins A and E and dietary fats from oxidation.
Distribution- in Body:
Simple 6-carbon crystalline compound derived from glucose; rapidly destroyed by heat, light, alkalis; about 1500 mg is stored in body, particularly in adrenal gland, retina, intestine, pituitary; when tissues are saturated.
Excess Effects:
Generally large doses may cause Gastrointestinal Discomfort, Headache, Trouble Sleeping, and Flushing of the Skin. Results of mega doses (10 or more times RDA); Enhanced Mobilization of Bone Minerals and Blood Coagulation; Exacerbation of Gout; Kidney Stone Formation
Deficiency Effects:
Defective formation of intercellular cement; Fleeting Joint Pains, Poor Tooth and Bone Growth; Poor Wound Healing, Increased Susceptibility to Infection; Extreme deficit causes Scurvy (more generally known as Periodontal Disease today).
Food Sources:
Fruit, Tomatoes, Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Vegetables, Potatoes, Leafy Greens
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
None listed
Supplemental information:

Ascorbic Acid,L-ascorbic acid
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