Lose Weight

Do you Really Need to Lose Weight?

If you are a woman, you are probably not unlike many other women so there is a good chance that you are concerned with your appearance. When it comes to appearance, there are many women who are preoccupied with their weight, namely the weight that they would like, or need, to shed. Unfortunately, many women […]

Total Life Weight Loss

Total Life Weight Loss

The Ideal Protein Protocol is a medically developed, methodical, weight loss protocol with over 10 years of success. How does it work? We empower dieters with the knowledge to translate their initial weight loss into lifestyle changes needed to sustain better weight maintenance. Our weight loss method is geared towards those who want to reach […]

Besting Him

Exercise Routine for Beginners

Designing beginners workouts really has more to do with psychology than with personal training. Not to say that beginners exercises don’t require the special knowledge that only a personal trainer has. If a beginners exercise program goes too far, does not put enough emphasis on stretching or safety, or does not have enough instruction, it […]