Shadows and Vitamin D

Shadows & Vitamin D

The low UV index of winter sun makes it difficult, if not impossible, for us to make vitamin D, increasing the odds of colds, flu, and feeling blue.

7 foods to Fight Insomnia

The brain depends on a complex array of nutrients to ensure peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. If you’re battling nighttime wakefulness, eat these foods 2-4 hours before bed.



A science that deals with the principle belief that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands that correspond to the all the glands, organs, and parts of the body.

How To Do A Dead-lift The Right Way

The Dead-lift is an exercise that has functional carryover regarding daily activities. For example, most people (if not everyone) occasionally have to pick up something heavy off of the floor.



Acne is a condition of the skin that causes hair follicles to become clogged with dead skin cells and oil in the sebaceous glands.

Desk Pilates

5 Pilates Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

These days it seems that more and more of us have jobs that entail sitting for hours on end, sometimes combined with a lengthy commute in a car where we’re sitting even longer.

More Than Half Your Body Is Not Human

“We’re finding ways that these tiny creatures totally transform our health in ways we never imagined until recently.” It is a new way of thinking about the microbial world. To date, our relationship with microbes has largely been one of warfare.


How a Dietitian Organizes Her Fridge

Your refrigerator should match your meal planning strategies. Otherwise, even with the best intentions, you end up tossing away all of the healthy (and spendy) foods that you didn’t use in time.

10-Minute Do-Anywhere Yoga Routines

We can probably all agree that finding ways to be proactive about our well-being is a better option than waiting until stress starts to affect our health.