ArticlesDietHair Care

Cheese and Your Hair?

Cheese and your hair typically aren’t mentioned in the same sentence. It sounds like a bizarre combination, doesn’t it?

If you want healthy hair, and you LOVE eating cheese, you will be thrilled to hear that cheese is actually good for your hair!

Choosing the right cheese does make a difference. Not all cheese is good for you. Generally speaking, reduced fat or fat free cheeses are a healthier choice than their “full fat” counterparts, which are high in saturated fat. Also, try to find brands with reduced sodium levels. Cream cheese tends to be low in protein and much higher in unhealthy fats, so not a recommended option of cheese. When selecting your cheese, read the labels!

Back to why cheese is great for your hair! Cheese contains protein, an important nutrient for all over good health. Protein is particularly fantastic for the hair.

Cheese also contains biotin. When your body is lacking Biotin, such a condition is believed to be a contributor of poor hair growth. Biotin has been shown to play a role in stimulating follicles, and keeping your hair out of the dreaded “resting phase”. Cheese and other foods containing biotin are well worth including in your daily diet.

So feel free to enjoy delicious cheesy goodness, and enjoy your healthy hair!

By: Barbie Pascal