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TLC Flu Comic

It’s that time of year again

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With a history of being only 20% effective and researchers guessing which strain to immunize for, not mention all the toxins used in the vaccine...
Maybe chiropractic is a better choice."

The 1917-1918 influenza epidemic swept silently across the world bringing death and fear. The whole world stood at its mercy. But out of that particular epidemic, the young science of chiropractic grew. These early chiropractors were sure determined, and ready to fight.

Chiropractors got fantastic results from influenza patients while those under medical care died like flies. Statistics reflect a most amazing, almost miraculous state of affairs. The medical profession was practically helpless with the flu victims but chiropractors seemed able to do no wrong.

In Davenpart, Iowa, 500 medical doctos treated 4,953 cases, with 274 deaths, while 150 chiropractors including students and faculty of the Palmer School of Chiropractic treated 1,635 cases with only one death.

In the state of Iowa, medical doctors treated 93,590 patients, with 6,116 deaths - a loss of one patient out of every 15, chiropractors treated 4,735 patients with a loss of only 6 cases - a loss of only 1 patient out of every 789.2.

In New York City, out of every 10,000 cases medically treated,950 died; and in every 10,000 pnemonia cases medically treated 6,400 died. Under drugless methods, out of every 10,000 cases only 25 patients died of influenza, and only 100 patients died of pneumonia.

Chiropractors in Oklahoma treated 3,490 cases of influenza with only 7 deaths. Chiropractors were called in on 233 cases where medical doctors had cared for the patients, and finally gave them up as lost. The chiropractors saved all those lost cases but 25. National figures show that 1,142 chiropractors treated 46,394 patients for influenza during 1918, with a loss of only 54 patients - one out of every 886.

Dr. S.T. McMurrain [DC] had a makeshift table installed in the influenza ward in Base Hospital No. 84 unit stationed in Perigau, in France (during WWI). The medical officer in charge sent all influenza patients in for chiropractic adjustments from Dr. McMurrain [DC] for the several months the epidemic raged in that area. Lt. Col McNaughton, the detachment commander, was so impressed he requested to have Dr. McMurrain [DC] commissioned in the Sanitary Corps.

Dr. Paul Myers [DC] of Wichita Falls was pressed into service by the County Health Officer and authorized to write prescriptions for the duration of the epidemic there- but Dr Myers [DC] said he never wrote any, getting better results without medication.

Dr Helen B. Mason [DC], whose son, when only a year old, because very ill with bronchitis. "My husband and I took him to several medical specialists without any worthwhile results. We called a chiropractor, as a last resort, and were amazed at the rapidity of his recovery. We discussed this amazing cure at length and came to the decision that if chiropractic could do as much for the health of other individuals as it has done for our son we wanted to become chiropractors."

Dr. M. L. Stanphill [DC] recounts his experiences: "I had quite a bit of practice in 1918 when the flu broke out. I stayed (in Van Alstyne) until the flu was over and had the greatest success, taking many cases that had been given up and restoring them back to health. During the flu we didn't have the automobile. I went horseback and drove a buggy day and night. I stayed overnight when the patients were really bad. When the rain and snow came i just stayed it out. There wasn't a member of my family that had the flu."

We now know about 20 million persons [recent estimates are as high as 100 million deaths] around the world died of the of the flu with about 500,000 Americans among that number, but most chiropractors and their patients were miraculously spared.

Today when somebody things of chiropractic they think of back pain, neck painand headaches. Unfortunately, we are in the midst of an epidemic today. An epidemic of chronic diseases, auto immune conditions and a population that is breaking down and deteriorating much too soon. Should we keep turning to more and more drugs with less and less results or should we do what has stood the test of time.

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