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Categories: Periodic Element

PhosphorusType: Lesser Element
Periodic Element: (P)
RDA: 800 mg – 1.5 g
Importance- To Body:
Part of calcium phosphate salts in bone and teeth, also present in nucleic acids, (part of ADP)
Necessary for proper bone structure, intermediary metabolism, buffers, membranes. Component of bones and teeth, nucleic acids, proteins, phospholipids, Combines with coenzymes in various metabolic processes; ATP (Phosphate bonds essential for energy production), phosphates of body fluids; thus, important for energy storage and transfer, muscle and nerve activity, cell permeability.
Distribution- In Body:
1.0 Approx. % of Body Mass
About 80% found in inorganic salts of bones, teeth; remainder in muscle, nervous tissue, blood; absorption aided by vitamin D; 1/3 dietary intake excreted in feces; metabolic byproducts excreted in urine.
Excess Effects:
None listed, none reported, Not known, but excess in diet may depress absorption of iron and maganese
Deficiency Effects:
Extremely rare; related to Rickets, Loss of Bone Minerals, Poor Growth
Sources Food:
Diets rich in proteins are usually rich in phosphorus; Dairy Products, Meats, Fish, Poultry, Beans, Grains, Eggs, Milk, Legumes, Nuts, Whole Grains
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
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