Vitamin B6

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Categories: Vitamin

Type: Compound
Vitamin: B6
Name: Pyridoxine, Pyridoxamine, Pyridoxal
RDA: 2 mg
Importance- to Body:
Active form is coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. which functions in several enzyme systems involved in amino acid metabolism; also required for conversion of tryptophan to niacin, for glycogenolysis, formation of antibodies.
Distribution- in Body:
Group of three pyridines occurring in both free and phosphorylated forms in body; stable to heat, acids; destroyed by alkalis, light; body stores very limited.
Excess Effects:
Depressed Deep Tendons Reflexes, Numbness, Loss of Sensation in Extremities
Deficiency Effects:
Infants: Nervous Irritability, Convulsions, Anemia, Vomiting, Weakness, Abdominal Pain
Adults: Seborrhea Lesions around eyes and mouth
Food Sources:
Meat, Poultry, Fish
Lesser Sources: Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Spinach
Environmental/Geographic Sources:
None listed
Supplemental information:

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