
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Periodic Element

ZincType: Trace Element
Periodic Element: (Zn)
RDA: ~15 mg.
Importance- To Body:
Constituent of several enzymes; as component of carbonic anhydrase, important in CO2 metabolism; required for normal growth, wound healing, taste, smell, sperm production.
Distribution- In Body:
* Approx. % of Body Mass
Concentrated in Liver, Kidneys, Brain; excreted in feces
Excess Effects:
Fever, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Difficulty in walking; Slurred speech; Mask-like Facial Expression, Tremors

Deficiency Effects:
Growth Retardation; Impaired Cell Growth, Impaired Cell Repair, Poor Wound Healing, Learning impairment; Impaired Sense of Taste, Impaired Sense of smell, Small Reproductive Glands, Depressed Immunity
Sources Food:
Meats, Liver, Seafood, Eggs, Legumes, Milk, Green Vegetables, Cereals, Nuts, Wheat germ, Yeast
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
Supplemental Information:

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