Shadows and Vitamin D

Shadows & Vitamin D

The low UV index of winter sun makes it difficult, if not impossible, for us to make vitamin D, increasing the odds of colds, flu, and feeling blue.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin and Mineral Reference

For anyone interested in the effects of vitamins and minerals in our diet or environment we are very pleased to be able to offer a reference resource to you and hope you find it easy to use as well as easy to apply in your everyday life.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D and Skin

In reality, the amount of time that a person has to spend in the sun to receive a sufficient dose of the D vitamin is extremely small and just a few minutes a day will be sufficient and not have any adverse effects from the amount of ultra-violet light received.

6 Weeks 6 Habits

6 Weeks, 6 Habits: Are You Ready to Transform Your Body?

What would you anticipate are the six most potent changes you can make for real transformation? Do your thoughts tend toward the extreme? Slashing calories? Exercising hours a day? Depriving yourself of great food or regular fun? What if I told you none of those even begin to make this list? What if I said […]