
« Supplemental Index
Categories: Periodic Element

SodiumType: Lesser Element
Periodic Element: (Na)
RDA: Not established; probably about 2500 mg (Diet supplies substantial excess).
Importance- To Body:
As an ion (Na) is major positive ion found in extracellular fluids (fluids outside fo cells). Important for water balance, conduction of nerve impulses, and muscular contraction. Necessary for ionic equilibrium, osmotic gradients, nerve impulse conduction, Principal electrolyte maintaining osmotic pressure of extracellular fluids and water balance; as part of bicarbonate buffer system, aids in acid-base balance of blood; needed for normal neuromuscular function; part of pump for transport of glucose and other nutrients.
Distribution- In Body:
0.2 Approx. % of Body Mass
Widely distributed; 50% found in extra-cellular fluid, 40% in bone salts, 10% within cells; absorption is rapid and almost complete; excretion, chiefly in urine, controlled by aldosterone
Excess Effects:
Edema, Hypertension
Deficiency Effects:
Dehydration, Kidney Failure- Rare but can occur with Excessive Vomiting, Diarrhea, Sweating, or Poor Dietary Intake, Nausea, Abdominal and Muscle Cramping, Convulsions
Sources Food:
Most foods, Table Salt (1 tsp= 2000 mg); Cured Meats (Ham, etc.), Sauerkraut, Cheese
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
Supplemental information:

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