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Categories: Periodic Element

CalciumType: Lesser Element
Periodic Element: (Ca)
RDA: 1200 mg, about 1 g. dropping to 800 mg after age 25
Importance- To Body:
Found as salt in bones and teeth. In ionic form (Ca for is required for muscle contraction, conduction of nerve impulses, and blood clotting.
Necessary for proper bone structure, normal heart action, blood clotting, muscle contraction, excitability, nerve synapses, mental activity, buffer systems, glycogen metabolism In salt form, required for hardness of bones, teeth; ionic calcium in blood cells essential for normal membrane permeability, activates certain enzymes.
Distribution- In Body:
1.5 Approx. % of Body Mass
Most stored in salt form in bones; most abundant location in body; absorbed from intestine in presence of vitamin D; excess excreted in feces, blood levels regulated by PTH and calcitonin.
Excess Effects:
Calcium deposits, heart failure, calcification of soft tissues, Depressed Neural Function; Calcium Salt Deposit in Soft Tissues; Kidney Stones
Deficiency Effects:
Tetany of Muscles, Loss of Bone Minerals, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis in adults Osteoporosis; Retarded Growth and Rickets in children
Sources Food:
Dairy products, Milk, Eggs Yolk, Leafy-Green Vegetables, Fish, Shellfish, Soybeans
Sources Environmental/Geographic:
None listed
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